The impact of egg donation on future fertility of an egg donor and reproductive health
Egg donation is a process through which a young woman voluntarily donates some of her eggs to be used during third party fertility treatments. The donated eggs are used by women who have lost their ovaries to cancer or have suffered premature ovarian failure, or same-sex male couples who need an egg donor to have a family. Egg donation is legal and strictly regulated by the Policy Committee of the South African Society of Reproductive Science and Surgery.
In South Africa, egg donors remain anonymous, with only her medical history, education, physical features, characteristics, interests, etc., being revealed to prospective recipients. The donor never meets or makes contact with the recipients, and only baby photographs of the donor are submitted. The amount paid to egg donors in South Africa is often the cause for the stigma and misconceptions that surround egg donation. However, the amount paid (which is R7 000) has been carefully assessed and determined to essentially cover the incidentals that the donor will incur. Although the money certainly helps, it is definitely not the motivating factor, and egg donors donate out of sheer kindness and to make a genuine difference in someone else’s life.
Donating eggs has no effect on a donor’s future ability to conceive, since those eggs would have gone to waste anyway during her menstrual cycle. Egg donation carries some risk, but it is extremely rare, and occurs in less than 1% of all donations. The primary risk is a condition called Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS), which is caused by the ovary producing too many eggs as a result of the drug stimulation. OHSS can vary from mild to severe. Donors are closely monitored throughout the donation process to prevent OHSS from happening.
The egg donation process involves going on the pill for a month, followed by two weeks of hormonal treatment which culminates in the egg retrieval process. The egg donor is placed under conscious sedation during the egg extraction procedure, which feels like a deep sleep. Egg extraction is followed by a period type cramping, but nothing more than that.
The misconception that by donating eggs, these young women are somehow ‘using up’ their supply of eggs, which means they will run out by the time they themselves want to have a child is not true. Each month the ovaries produce eggs, whether you donate them or not. Egg donation has no impact on the future fertility of an egg donor and does not have any effect on the donor’s reproductive health.
Egg donation is a highly regulated process that ensures the safety of both the donor and the recipient. Egg donors are healthy, young women over the age of 21 from any ethnicity and background. Suitable donors are selected by the egg donation agencies based on strict screening criteria. Egg donors receive some money for their time and effort, which is reasonable compensation for the time, effort, and expense involved in this selfless act of generosity.
Egg donation is a compassionate and selfless act that helps couples and individuals achieve their dream of starting a family. It is a safe and highly regulated process that does not affect the donor’s future fertility or reproductive health. Egg donors donate out of sheer kindness and to make a genuine difference in someone else’s life. Egg donation is a gift of life that provides hope and joy to those who are struggling to start their family.